Kukulkan Feathered Serpent God & the Lost City of Atlantis, a Quest for Atlantis Influences in Mayan Ruins Mexico. Join me as I search for a feathered serpent with a man in its mouth, (my past life memory of Atlantis), in Mayan Ruins in Yucatan, Mexico.
Monster Mouth at the top of the Uxmal Pyramid of the Sorcerer, Photo by and Copyright 2008 Miriam Balslely, Used with Permission
An archaeological expedition found two ancient Mayan cities, including a monster mouth doorway, in the southeastern corner of the Mexican state of Campeche.
Take a look at the monster mouth photo on the right. Please notice the eyes the ancient Maya sculpted into the rock. They’re just above and on either side of the doorway. The doorway represents the mouth of the monster and will take you into a dark cave-like room.
Sorcerer Legend in Uxmal Yucatan: The Witch and the Dwarf Sorcerer
Today I want to talk about the legend of the Sorcerer Dwarf. It’s a legend that has held my interest so much that I wrote about it in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.
In researching the legend, I wrote on page 154 that “I interviewed Santiago Domingez, a modern-day Maya whose family has lived for generations close to the Uxmal Yucatan Mayan ruins. He told me the story, handed down from his grandparents, of the witch. She was lonely. Therefore, she took an egg and hatched out of it a dwarf who became her companion.”