Before You Even THINK of Going to Amazing YUCATAN
Get This CHECKLIST So You DON'T Have the
PROBLEMS Many People Experience
Whether you plan to visit Yucatan or if you’re merely curious about this fascinating area of the world and its people, you’ll find intriguing information here.

Discover the best places to visit in Yucatan, including the location of Mayan ruin sites such as Chichen Itza, beautiful colonial cities, and the comet crater. You’ll also benefit from Yucatan travel tips such as information on safety in Yucatan.

Who are the Maya? Where do they live? How do they live, for example, what’s it like cooking in one of their round woven-stick houses? Plus, hear from an American expat living in a Mayan village and her perilous experience with Mayan nature spirits.

Learn about Mayan legends such as the story of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent, and also the Magician Sorcerer of Uxmal who built a pyramid in one day. Some researchers also believe that people from crumbling Atlantis escaped to Yucatan.